Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari's wedding dress will also be designed by Benazir Bhutto's dress designer?

Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari's wedding dress will also be designed by Benazir Bhutto's dress designer?

Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto and former President Asif Ali Zardari's eldest daughter Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari has got engaged to UAE based Mahmood Chaudhry.

Before Bakhtawar Bhutto's engagement, rumors kept circulating on Pakistani social media that she would wear her late mother's wedding dress at the wedding.

Exactly 33 years ago today, the dress that Benazir Bhutto wore on the occasion of her marriage in 1987 was made by a well-known boutique 'Resham Ruwaj' in Karachi.

When the BBC contacted the boutique, the design team of the 'Silk Tradition' said that neither Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari nor any of the Bhutto family had contacted them in this regard.

Designer Amber Warsi says that when she heard about Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari's marriage, she went back 33 years. Regarding the rumors on social media, Anbar Warsi said that nowadays it is a very common custom for girls to wear their mother's wedding dress at weddings.

'Because the gold and silver of that time cannot be found today, the old clothes are worn with a slight change. If Bakhtawar has any such desire and if he contacts us, we will be happy to dress him.

Nusrat Bhutto's choice

Silk Tradition Boutique is a fashion brand in Karachi for the past four decades run by three women, Amber Warsi, her mother Naz Saeed, and sister Amna Malik.

Telling the story of Benazir Bhutto's wedding dress, designer Anbar Warsi said that Nusrat Bhutto had come to her boutique one day before Benazir's wedding.

"Nusrat Bhutto told us that Benazir was unwell so she would not be able to come," she said. They chose a pair and asked if they could take her home and show her to Benazir. So I replied, "Why not?"

According to Amber Warsi, when the pair was shown to Benazir Bhutto, they liked her and they even saw her wearing it.

"Since it was a ready-made dress, obviously there was a slight problem with the fitting, so our tailor went to him and he alternated the dress according to Benazir's size."

Amber Warsi says that when she was making this dress, she did not even dream that Benazir Bhutto would wear it.

"This dress was made a few days ago. I think it was just luck that Benazir wore the dress we made.

Designer Amber Warsi said it was a traditional garland made of silk.

The green was painted red. Green and red were very popular in the 1980s. It was all handicraft that was not found anywhere else in the market.

According to Amber Warsi, when Benazir Bhutto wore this dress at her wedding, then the 'silk tradition' did not make more pairs of that style because they did not want to downplay it.

Bakhtawar's style

'Silk Tradition' has also made formal wear clothes for Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari in 2012. Amber Warsi says that she also met Bakhtawar in this regard.

"They were very simple and sophisticated designs that reflected Bakhtawar's personality," she said, referring to the taste and style of her dress. Benazir Bhutto's style was very different. His dress reflected the breadth of his personality and his political status.

Bakhtawar's wedding dress

Designer Amber Warsi says that when she heard about Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari's marriage, she went back 33 years. Regarding the rumors on social media, Amber said that it is a common practice nowadays for girls to wear their mother's wedding dress at weddings.

'Because the gold and silver of that time cannot be found today, the old clothes are worn with a slight change. If Bakhtawar has any such desire and if he contacts us, we will be happy to dress him.

According to Anbar Warsi, “there are two ways to make the wedding couple of his mother Benazir Bhutto according to Bakhtawar. It is possible if she makes a new dress of the same old style and if she chooses to wear her mother's original dress, she will need some alternation.

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